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Search Inside Yourself

Written by the man who founded Google’s mindfulness program, Chade-Meng Tan, this book offers a nice balance of the context and history on mindfulness with practical exercises to incorporate into your own life. A mindfulness practice is only a small part of Reverie Meditation, but it’s an important building block and this book is a helpful starting point for the mindfulness practice.


Altered Traits

This is a book by pioneers in the field of meditation, Richie Davidson and Daniel Goleman. They discuss the results of research around mindfulness and meditation and what that tells us about how different practice can have lasting impacts on the meditation on both the neurophysiology of the brain and lasting personality traits. They also discuss how some in the meditation community are making claims that research does not yet support. Definitely worth a read if you are interested in the science behind the practice.

The Four Agreements

Author Don Miguel Ruiz talks about 4 basic principles that will transform lives and allow us to step out of self limiting beliefs. The Agreements are deceptively simple but I find myself drawing on them even years after I read the book. It’s a quick read and a book that veers into the mystical but offers a relatable perspective that truly applies to everyday life.

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The Power of Habit

Charles Duhigg dives into the science of how we build habits, both good and bad. When this habit loop is understood, we can use it to bolster beneficial habits and accelerate our potential. Through fascinating case studies, he illustrates how the power of habit can transform our communities and ourselves.

Spotify Playlists


Playlist inspired by the spa

This playlist makes you feel like you are in a really nice spa getting ready for some major relaxation. If you want an instrumental playlist for meditation, try this one.

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Playlist inspired by nature

Check out this playlist of nature sounds if you want some background music for your meditation practice.

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Playlist inspired by tradition

Tibetan bowls are used in some Buddhist practices during meditation. The tones and sounds created by a variety of bells and singing bowls provides a nice backdrop that is grounded in spiritual tradition.




DenTalks Podcast

Den Founder Tal Rabinowitz speaks to a variety of teachers, healers and practitioners.

This episode features Davidji, a nationally recognized meditation teacher who began his career in the financial services sector and made a mid-career switch to teaching.


Ten Percent Happier

Host Dan Harris talks to variety of meditation teachers and contemplative thought leaders in one of the longest running meditation-focused podcasts with now over 215 episodes. This episode features Emma Seppala, the leader of the Stanford Compassion Institute. This illuminating episode discussed the impact of compassion on individuals and communities.


The Tim Ferriss Show

Tim has been a major influence for me since I read his first book, The Four Hour Work Week in 2007. His podcasts feature a variety of interesting leaders from across industries sharing their tips and tricks for a better, more productive life. I’ve learned so much from Tim and his guests over the years. This episode features Sharon Salzberg, one of the pioneers of US meditation. Sharon is a prolific author and meditation teacher and her work in Loving Kindness and Compassion meditation has been a big influence on my practice. You can learn more about her at

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Oprah’s Super SOul Sunday

Oprah speaks with a variety of spiritual teachers and authors on this podcast. In this episode she speaks with Buddhist nun and best selling author Pema Chodron about "Welcoming the Unwelcome. Unlike some of the “Toxic Positivity” pushed by some spiritual teachers, Pema encourages us to acknowledge and sit with all feelings as they come up for us. This conversation conveys some powerful wisdom about managing difficult times and emotions.


Weekly Guided Meditations from Reverie Meditation


Meditation for Stress REduction and Relaxation

This guided 12 minute meditation is the perfect way to unwind from a hectic day! We’ll use breath exercises to slow down and use a body scan technique to relax every muscle in our body. We’ll use grounding exercises to make us feel centered and connect to gratitude to become more present to all the good in our lives.